National Pretrial Provides 24/7/365 Monitoring

Pretrial services are highly effective, save money and fight recidivism when properly administered and monitored. However, as illustrated, in the video below, the 2nd Judicial Court in Albuquerque did not actively monitor the accused with active GPS ankle monitors, subsequently leading to very tragic results.

National Pretrial provides a 24/7/365 Network Operations Center to ACTIVELY monitor all Device, Communication, and Location alerts in real-time and act as the front line to properly surveil, assess and prioritize actionable notifications. All monitoring of the various accountability programs is real-time; the reviewing and follow-up need to be as well, not the next day or following business day.

National Pretrial utilizes three distinct monitoring levels that enable criminal justice stakeholders to enact structured supervision. Our proprietary technology platform and 24/7 real-time network operations center and technology platform - JED™ provides better administrative controls, effectiveness, and ease of use to the courts, municipalities, and state. At the same time, respecting and honoring the accused responsibly, effectively, and minimally intrusive in the most cost-effective manner.

For more information on how we can serve your Pretrial Program, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email at or call us at 888-503 6344